R. Brian Wilbur, longtime member of PSECU’s Board of Directors, was presented with the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association (PCUA) 2019 Joseph A. Moore Lifetime Achievement Award at the association’s 85th Annual Convention, Connect, on May 17. To recognize him as the state’s Outstanding Credit Union Volunteer for the year, a reception in Brian’s honor followed the awards presentation.
“By their nature as financial cooperatives, credit unions aim to help people reach their goals. I’ve found this to be particularly true at PSECU, where the well-being and best interests of our members is always the top priority,” said Brian. “I’ve given my time to the credit union cause over the years because I see the positive impact we make in the lives of our members. To be able to contribute to efforts that I truly believe in – and to be honored with this award for doing it - is such a great honor.”
The Joseph A. Moore Lifetime Achievement Award was established by PCUA in memory of Joseph Moore who contributed greatly to the credit union movement, including time served as a board member and executive director for the association and as a board member for the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). The award is presented annually to a credit union volunteer who has selflessly given time, effort, and talent to the betterment of the movement. The recipient must be in good standing with the community, a person who understands and works to promote the credit union philosophy, and who has demonstrated loyalty to the credit union movement.
“The Volunteer of the Year Award is special because it recognizes the individuals who give up their own time to support the mission of credit unions and to serve credit union members,” PCUA President & CEO Patrick Conway said. “Brian’s decades of extraordinary service to the movement and to PSECU is to be commended. Congratulations and thank you for your commitment to credit unions.”
Brian has served as a PSECU official for more than 50 years, including ten years as the credit union’s Board Chair (1979-1983 and 2006-2012) and 15 years as its Board Vice Chair (1984-1995 and 2001-2005). Additionally, he contributed to the work of several board committees. He was Chair of PSECU’s Credit Committee for several years and currently is Chair of the Nominating Committee. During his tenure with PSECU, the credit union has grown from $1.8 million to $5.4 billion in assets and from 8,300 to more than 450,000 members.
“In the time I’ve been involved with PSECU, I’ve watched it grow to become the state’s largest credit union both in terms of membership and assets. To me, that means that we’re doing something right – that people see the value in the products and services we provide, and that in response, they’re choosing to bank with PSECU. It demonstrates that we are successfully fulfilling our vision to serve as a trusted financial partner,” added Brian. “I’m proud to know that I’ve been a part of something that has been so well received and beneficial to others.”
“I'm just one of the many people who made PSECU the largest credit union in Pennsylvania today. I think of myself as the last of the revolutionaries from the mid-1970's: a group of nine newly elected board members who boldly made the decision to take a risk and expand from offering only very small, secure loans to a wide array of loans (auto, real estate, and unsecured) and other services in order to better serve our members,” Brian explained. “Also, there was an early focus on technology, which led to PSECU becoming a premier technological credit union.”
Brian retired as Assistant Director for Budget Administration after 36 years in the Office of the Budget for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He holds a Master’s in Governmental Administration from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and a Bachelor’s in History from Waynesburg College (now Waynesburg University).
In addition to his contributions to PSECU, Brian is active in his church, where he’s served on several personnel and finance committees.

R. Brian Wilbur, Board of Directors, PSECU