NACUSO announces results of 2020 Board Election
NEWPORT BEACH, CA (April 28, 2020) — The National Association of Credit Union Services Organizations (NACUSO), the only trade association focused on growing and protecting the CUSO movement, announced this week the election results for their Board of Directors.
“We had four board members’ terms expire in 2020,” said Jack Antonini, President/CEO of NACUSO. “We were very fortunate to have 3 out of the 4 board members with expiring terms run for re-election with the exception of Doug Petersen, CEO of Workers CU, because of term limits. Doug has dedicated the last 12 years to volunteering on our board, and most recently served as our Chairman. We are extremely grateful for his exemplary service and wish him well.”
The board members re-elected for a three-year term are Nick Evens, President of the Veridian Group, Stephanie Sherrodd, CEO of TDECU, and Bill Beardsley, President of Michigan Business Connection. The newest member elected to the NACUSO board is Mary Beth Spuck, CEO of Resource One Credit Union in Dallas, Texas. Mary Beth serves on the Board of several CUSOs, is a Credit Union Development Educator (CUDE), Certified Senior Executive (CSE) and a former Filene i3er. “Mary Beth’s experience working with CUSOs will be of great value to our board and we look forward to welcoming her at our next “virtual” board meeting.”
The National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO) is a leading advocate for the credit union movement, dedicated to advancing innovation, collaboration, and sustainability within the industry. With a diverse membership representing a wide range of credit union service organizations, NACUSO is committed to driving positive change and empowering credit unions to thrive in a dynamic financial landscape.