WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN (December 13, 2024) |
Royal Credit Union (Royal) and White Bear Lake Area High School partnered for the first time to present students with a signature financial education experience Test Drive…Next Stop Reality® (Test Drive). Test Drive is a simulation of real life when it comes to money and finances. The event was held on Thursday, December 12 at White Bear Lake Area High School. Over 650 students and 200 volunteers participated in the event. In addition to Royal team members, many members of the White Bear Lake community helped throughout the day.
“It was such a pleasure to have our Career Pathways program partner with Royal Credit Union to offer Test Drive Reality Fair to the junior class” said Katy Olson, Career Pathways Coordinator at White Bear Lake Area High School. “The school was buzzing with students excited to share their personal experience with peers and teachers after their eyes were opened to so many important financial decisions that they will soon be facing. This event will certainly help shape and perhaps influence the path students take after high school.”
Test Drive is a hands-on experience where students select a career, research the education needed, and determine a realistic salary that would come from that career. To further the simulation of real life, students are also given random family assignments. Students visit a series of twenty-two stations and pay for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food. Additional expenditures such as entertainment, pets, and unexpected expenses are also factored into the simulated activity. Each station is staffed by volunteers ready to help the students make decisions and offer guidance as they are faced with difficult decisions.
“We are proud to partner with White Bear Lake Area High School to offer students this unique learning opportunity,” said Deb Paulsen, Community Financial Education Coordinator at Royal. “Royal Credit Union developed Test Drive…Next Stop Reality® so that students learn to balance their wants and needs, understand what it takes to make it on their own and better prepare for their future.”
Royal offers a wide variety of free financial education for all ages and stages of life. A full list of financial programming can be found at rcu.org/FinEd.