10 traits bad leaders have

1) Can’t lead themselves

Leaders are supposed to inspire others to perform well and help them achieve greater things. But if you aren’t always trying to better yourself, you can’t expect to get much out of those around you.

2) No Vision

Leaders are there to guide others to the easiest path to success, but you can’t do that if you don’t know how to get there in the first place.


3) Push over

While it is never a good idea to shutdown every idea brought forward to you by your team, accepting everything can be just as bad. If everything they are bringing to you is better than what you bring to the table, perhaps they should lead.

4) Poor judge of character

When bringing new people on there are a lot of factors. Don’t judge a book by its cover, and remember someone’s potential may outweigh their experience. But remember that regardless of experience or potential, if they are a threat to the team culture, hard pass every time.


5) Think they know everything

Know-it-alls run into a number of problems. Never improving themselves, having trouble seeing the potential in anyone else’s input, and a bloated ego are just a few of the issues. Swallow your pride, you aren’t always the smartest in the room.

6) Failure to communicate

You have to listen to your team to know where they are at, and likewise let them know what you are thinking at all times. Have plans in place to make sure your responses are easy to understand as well.


7) Fear of change

Get rid of overly conservative notions. If you don’t take risks now and again, you’ll never know what an opportunity could have led to.

8) Lack of empathy

Ruling with an iron fist gets you nowhere. You have to learn the problems your team faces and do anything in your power to help them avoid them.


9) One size fits all

Everyone is different and when it comes to leading a team of people you may find the cookie cutter approach doesn’t work for everyone. Be flexible and adapt.

10) Accountability issues

Problems arise. But at the end of the day you are solely responsible for letting your team know you understand and helping them move forward.