4 communication errors keeping you from success

Growth and relevance in the business world require companies to adapt to trends and find new opportunities to meet their members’ or customers’ needs. The changes required to stay successful might be clear to you as president or CEO, and maybe even your C-suite.

Where leaders often fall short, though, is effectively communicating change throughout the organization. Each member of our team has a role to play and must work in unison toward the end-goal. If they’re uninformed or unaware of components of the strategy, it’s impossible to get there.

To help leaders avoid these problems, leadership guru and author Gifford Thomas flags four communication errors that hinder change:

  1. Using one form of communication. Change requires transparency. Announcing an impactful change at an all-staff meeting might be an efficient way to let all employees know the information at the same time, but they will likely have questions. Thomas recommends using emails, memos, newsletters, one-on-one meetings, and more to double down on the message. Consistent and repetitive messaging will help employees feel stable throughout the change.


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