4 reasons you should laugh with your staff

If we’re dealing with stress in our lives, it can often be traced back to situations we’re handling at work. While we can’t always be stress-free and happy, having a laugh with the work crew is always good for morale. Here are 4 reasons you shouldn’t hesitate to have a chuckle or two with your team.

Endorphins get released

Endorphins are cool. These neurotransmitters can relieve stress and pain, and they’re released when you laugh. So, if it’s a tough day around the office, a little laughter may indeed be the best medicine for your crew.

It’s a great way to bond

We enjoy working with people we like. You spend a lot of your adult life at work, so it’d be nice to enjoy the people you’re spending this time with. Sharing a few laughs is a great way to become better friends with your co-workers.

It’s relaxing, and that’s good

You don’t want to be too relaxed while at work, but tension isn’t a good thing either. Not only can laughter make the tension go away, but it can spur creativity, which can lead to new ideas and innovations.

It can improve communication

When an office atmosphere is stuffy and quiet, there’s likely not a lot of collaboration or interaction. A more relaxed, fun atmosphere can lead to inspired ideas and laughter can help take you down that path.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details