5 traits the most likable people have in common

All over the world there are people with extremely differing personalities and habits. Our differences are what make us who we are, but let’s face it, some people, whether in our work or personal lives, are just more likable than others. What is it about specific individuals that we just gravitate towards? Here are the five most pleasant traits a person can have. Do any of them describe you?


Not all of us are (or have any desire to be) affectionate, but instinctively we all want to be loved and nurtured. Granted some are more physically affectionate than others but there is something about a person who isn’t afraid to show others how they really feel.


Most of us can say we have work to do in this department. As the saying goes, “patience is a virtue” and one that is essential to a stress-free work and home life. No matter how frustrated you feel, take a minute to remember not to sweat the small stuff.


To have compassion is to feel a desire to help those in need. Compassion for the disadvantaged is incredibly important and helps us to remember to count our blessings. But on a smaller scale, having compassion for those in your workplace who require advice or assistance is critical for the development of a strong team.


Having the ability to put yourself in your coworker’s (or even a stranger’s) shoes is a character trait of tremendous value. From empathy stems consideration and kindness, which are often in short supply in today’s society. Those that are empathic are truly connected with others.


Don’t confuse this trait with arrogance, as there is a huge difference between the two. Someone who is confident knows their worth, but they don’t flaunt it in a way that makes them come across as superior.

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with CUInsight.com. Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details