The latest from Deedee Myers

- by Deedee Myers, DDJ Myers

The value, or cost, of an entrenched board

Long-serving board members have a perspective from their service through many years, and perhaps decades, to an organization to which they volunteered with passion and commitment. I listen in awe ...

- by Deedee Myers, DDJ Myers

Are you willing to step aside?

Does the threat of not being reelected discourage incumbents from shirking their duties to be a high-performing board member or engaging in empire building with other board members and the ...

- by Deedee Myers, DDJ Myers

Strategy or agility: What comes first?

Confusing levels of strategic leadership were the focus of a post last fall, during a key season for strategic planning. Last week, strategic agility was the focus of speeches at ...

- by Deedee Myers, DDJ Myers

There’s no second “1st” place

Once the baton is dropped in the leadership race . . . your credit union is at risk. Strategic Succession Planning is a critical step to serving that purpose and mitigating unnecessary risk. ...