The latest from Greg Michlig

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA

Keep the dialogue with NCUA moving forward

Rules and regulations are important in everything from our social interactions with one another to the complex business guidelines and measures enforced by regulatory agencies across our country. Those agencies, ...

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA

Leadership: It’s more than a business plan

Recently, a colleague shared with me a TED Talk by Bill Gross, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Idealab, a business incubator in California that has started over 100 companies, including ...

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA

Representing the whole: Credit union association leadership

There has been a lot of discussion lately around the various system associations, their structure, governance, and effectiveness. For some, this is viewed as healthy dialogue, while for others, it ...

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA


Over this past weekend I stopped at a well-known national retailer to pick up a few items for a home-improvement project I was working on. One of the items was ...

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA

“One giant leap” for credit unions

My youngest and I were driving from an activity last night and, as he looked skyward, he asked me “How far away is the moon?” Naturally, we asked Siri and ...

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA

Right, wrong and stuff about wheels

I am proud to be a member of the CUinsight Community and I regularly read the thoughts and opinions shared by others within the Community. It’s interesting to see ...

- by Greg Michlig, CUNA

Where is our Gor-donne?

I don’t watch a lot of television. It’s not for some philosophical reason and I don’t have any issues with those of you who do, but unless ...