The latest from Stephanie Lutz

- by Stephanie Lutz, CRI Solutions

Indestructible: The “ah ha” Moment

How old were you when you realized you weren’t indestructible?  If you’re like most people, your answer probably falls somewhere between the ages of 30 and 35. by ...

- by Stephanie Lutz, CRI Solutions

Credit Unions… Mind the GAP

by: Stephanie Lutz, Management Analyst, CRI SolutionsThe CUNA e-scan for 2013 rightly encourages credit unions to continue reaching out to the Millenial Generation – aka Gen-Y.  This doesn’...

- by Stephanie Lutz, CRI Solutions

Accessorize Your Member’s Loan

by: Stephanie Lutz, Management Analyst, CRI SolutionsImagine walking into a department store and finding that they had hidden away all of their accessories.  The belts, cufflinks, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, ...

- by Stephanie Lutz, CRI Solutions

A New Way to Train Online

by: Stephanie Lutz, Management Analyst, CRI Solutions E-learning for financial products in the credit union world has, to this point, been limited to pre-recorded or live webinar training sessions and ...