Brand-new day: Leadership lessons from The Wiz

In the unforgettable scene from one of my favorite movies, the 1978 film adaptation of The Wiz starring Michael Jackson and Diana Ross, the camera pans over a grim, industrial factory where the workers, dressed in drab, tattered clothing, toil away under the oppressive rule of the Wicked Witch Evillene. The atmosphere is heavy with despair, and the workers move mechanically, their faces devoid of hope. Evillene, perched on a grotesque, throne-like toilet, barks orders and revels in her power, embodying the very essence of tyranny.

Suddenly, a dramatic turn of events unfolds. Dorothy and her friends confront Evillene, and in a moment of poetic justice, she is flushed down the toilet. The factory, once a symbol of oppression, transforms instantly. The workers, shedding their drab attire, burst into vibrant colors and joyous expressions. They come alive, dancing and singing to the uplifting anthem “A Brand New Day” (Everybody Rejoice). The scene is electric with newfound freedom and happiness, marking a brand-new day.

This cinematic transformation mirrors the profound impact of leadership in the real world. When a leader rules with an iron fist, employees often feel undervalued, unheard, and merely cogs in a machine. Their work becomes a means of survival rather than a source of fulfillment. Have you ever been in this situation? I can imagine all the nods and raised hands… you’re not alone; I’ve been there too!

So, what happens when this type of leader is in place? There is a shift in motivation, engagement, and innovation, but not for the better. Employees feel like their contributions don’t matter, so they either stop contributing or don’t contribute at the level they once did. Their voices are muted. Innovation suffers. The organization becomes stagnant. Whew, I feel a sense of PTSD with this one, as I was once in this exact situation. It was incredibly difficult because I transitioned from a leader who encouraged me to use my voice to one whose style was “you do as I say.” Can you say toxic?

When employees are subjected to toxic leadership and constant micromanagement, their initial enthusiasm and commitment to the organization’s goals begin to wane. The relentless scrutiny and lack of trust from their leader create an environment where employees feel constantly on edge, leading to chronic stress and burnout. Instead of focusing on innovation and collaboration, their primary concern becomes self-preservation. They start to operate in survival mode, doing just enough to avoid criticism or punishment. This shift not only stifles their creativity and productivity but also erodes the overall morale of the team. The once vibrant and dynamic workplace turns into a battleground of anxiety and fear, where the collective vision is overshadowed by individual struggles to cope with the oppressive atmosphere. Doesn’t that sound like what the workers in The Wiz went through?

However, when a new leader steps in who values autonomy, encourages innovation, and listens to their team, it truly becomes a brand-new day. Employees feel empowered, motivated, and appreciated, leading to a thriving and dynamic workplace. The atmosphere shifts from one of fear and survival to one of collaboration and growth.

In this environment, employees are more likely to take initiative, share creative ideas, and work together towards common goals. The sense of trust and respect fosters open communication, where everyone feels their voice matters. This not only boosts morale but also drives innovation and productivity. The organization becomes a place where people are excited to come to work, knowing they are part of a supportive and forward-thinking team.

Moreover, the positive energy and enthusiasm of the employees can be felt by clients and customers, enhancing the overall reputation and success of the organization. Just like in The Wiz, where the workers’ joy and freedom were palpable, a transformed workplace radiates positivity and potential. It becomes a place where everyone can thrive and contribute to a shared vision of success.

The transformation scene in The Wiz, when Evillene is defeated and the workers rejoice, is a powerful metaphor for the impact of leadership. Just as the workers in the factory found new hope and joy, employees in any organization can experience a brand-new day under the right leadership. By fostering a supportive and empowering environment, leaders can unlock the full potential of their teams, driving both personal and organizational success.

As the song “A Brand New Day” (Everybody Rejoice) from The Wiz beautifully puts it:
♪♫ ‘Everybody look around
‘Cause there’s a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let’s commence to singing joyfully
Can you feel a brand-new day?
Can you feel a brand-new day?’ ♪♫

Leadership can truly make every day a brand-new day!

Joy Smith-Durant

Joy Smith-Durant

Dr. Joy Smith-Durant, DBA, serves as the Chief Lending Officer of Eagle Federal Credit Union. With over 20 years in the financial services industry, she has dedicated most of her ... Web: Details