Dollar store finds: Real deals or disappointments?

When it comes to saving money I will drive across town to find a deal. Before I head into the grocery store and buy my essentials at full price, I’ll head into a discount chain, like Dollar General, to look for the best deals. I’ve found through my experience, though, that not everything is best bought on a bargain. Here are some suggestions for what you should buy and what you should skip at the local discount store.

What to buy:

Seasonal items: Holiday décor is not always something you want to splurge on, so stop into a discount chain and get a few festive goodies for your home. That way you’re still in the spirit without wasting too much hard-earned money on things you’ll only use for a short time. Also, when a holiday is over, stock up on things that go on sale. You can often find holiday treasures for next year for as much as 50% off.

Toys: My son, like most children, loves to get new “prizes” and trinkets. These days, kids’ toys can be outrageously expensive. Luckily, my three year old is not usually as particular as a child who is up on the latest trends. At discount stores I can stock up on little things like stickers, craft supplies, coloring books, and small toys that I can give him periodically. This saves me from making a pricey trip to Target for one high-end (costly) toy.

Greeting cards: There’s nothing worse than forgetting a loved one’s birthday. Greeting cards can range anywhere from $3-$5 but most discount stores have a large variety available from 50 cents to $1.00. I find it easiest to grab a few each time I’m in the store so that I’ll have them on hand when I want to send a loved one a heartfelt message.

Movie theater candy: We all know how pricey snacks and drinks are at the movies. When just a ticket costs $10, who wants to pay an additional $10-$15 just on a soda and candy? Make a note to stop at a discount store on the way and grab your favorites for a fraction of the price.

What to skip:

Makeup: If you’re in a pinch and don’t have the time or money to grab the makeup products you prefer, you can certainly try those available at discount chains. In my experience, these brands don’t offer the same quality and are not worth even the few dollars. There are usually a lot fewer options when it comes to skin tone and color so you may be settling for something you don’t actually like, when you could just wait and invest a little more in something that will last longer.

Paper products: Paper towels or bathroom tissue from the discount store brand are typically one-ply, meaning they won’t absorb as much or work as well. This may work okay for a party or special occasion when you’re only needing it for one time use. If you want products for daily use, though, it’s best to purchase brand names that you know will do the job and be worth the money.

Pet food: Dollar store pet food does not always offer the same quality standards as brands found in pet or grocery stores. Skip the off-brands and splurge on better choices for your four legged friends. If they end up getting sick from cheaper foods or treats, the vet bill will cost a substantial amount more than what the nicer products would.

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: Details