Alacriti News Archives

Real-time payments without borders

Real-time payments without borders

In April 2022, EBA Clearing, SWIFT, and The Clearing House announced their plan to launch a pilot service for immediate cross-border payments with the support of banks from both sides of the Atlantic. Twenty-four financial [...]

Episode 7: Maximizing Digital Customer Experience with the Zoomer Generation

Episode 7: Maximizing Digital Customer Experience with the Zoomer Generation We’ve discussed in depth what Zoomers want from financial institutions on our podcast previously. An excellent customer experience, especially when it comes to digital payments, is a must-have [...]

What is payments orchestration?

What is payments orchestration?

The term ‘payments orchestration' seems to be everywhere, but what is it? As defined by PaymentsJournal, payments orchestration is: A Payments Orchestration layer manages and unifies payments from diverse gateways, payment methods, 3rd party services, [...]

Payments services hub explained

Payments services hub explained

“Payments services hub” can mean different things depending on who you are talking to and what time period you’re looking at in payments industry history. The term first appeared in the analyst community to [...]

Episode 6: Transforming Payments with Request for Pay (RfP)

Episode 6: Transforming Payments with Request for Pay (RfP) With real-time payments accelerating, Request for Pay (RfP) functionality has the potential to revolutionize the bill payment space as we know it. In this interview, Mark Ranta, Alacriti’s [...]

Ways financial institutions can attract Zoomers

Ways financial institutions can attract Zoomers

First thing’s first, about 67 million Zoomers make up 20% of the U.S. population, and 64% of Zoomers look for a more personalized banking experience. With so many Zoomers entering the financial sector, [...]

Zoomer financial habits: Bill pay

Zoomer financial habits: Bill pay

There are various generational differences when it comes to financial habits. Let's begin by talking about bill pay. What is it, and how does it work? If you are familiar with the payments industry, you [...]