Six ways to get the most out of virtual business events

Six ways to get the most out of virtual business events

Credit union board and committee members relish their opportunities to attend industry training events and conferences. These events provide an opportunity to learn new ideas, find solutions to problems and network with peers and colleagues. [...]

CUs to talk pandemic relief, data security, modernization

CUs to talk pandemic relief, data security, modernization

CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan wrote to all 535 Congressional offices Monday as Leagues and credit unions meet with elected officials in conjunction with this week’s CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC). Donovan said [...]

FHFA extends forbearance, foreclosure and REO eviction moratoriums

FHFA extends forbearance, foreclosure and REO eviction moratoriums

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced extensions of several measures to align COVID-19 mortgage relief policies across the federal government. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are extending the moratoriums on single-family foreclosures and real [...]

Additional PPP funding likely needed in 2021

Additional PPP funding likely needed in 2021

Additional Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding will likely be needed in 2021, CUNA wrote to the Senate Small Business Committee prior to its hearing on the nomination of Isabella Casillas Guzman to lead the Small [...]

Advocacy needed more than ever on behalf of CU members

Advocacy needed more than ever on behalf of CU members

The advocacy challenge ahead is maintaining progress and taking advantage of opportunities in a different political environment, wrote CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan in Credit Union Times this week, as CUNA prepares for its [...]

Emanuel: Democrats are focused

Emanuel: Democrats are focused

Although the presidential election was close, political insider Rahm Emanuel is confident that, with a new makeup, Congress can find bipartisanship on more issues that can move the economy forward. "There’s a number of [...]

COVID recovery, Fed testimony hearings scheduled this week

COVID recovery, Fed testimony hearings scheduled this week

Both chambers of Congress are in session this week, and both are expected to consider the $1.9 trillion COVID relief legislation through the budget reconciliation process. The House Budget Committee will mark up its [...]

NCUA, IRS to host EITC, VITA webinar Feb. 23

NCUA, IRS to host EITC, VITA webinar Feb. 23

NCUA and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are co-hosting a webinar on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) programs Feb. 23. NCUA and the IRS encourage credit unions, their [...]

Advice for a new CEO

Advice for a new CEO

Recently, a friend became the new CEO of a credit union. This is her first opportunity to sit in the corner office. She asked me for advice and I was happy to oblige. I told [...]

Overdraft proposal would help CUs meet evolving member needs

Overdraft proposal would help CUs meet evolving member needs

NCUA’s proposed overdraft policy is part of the agency’s proactivity in adapting rules, regulations, and policies to ensure credit unions can meet evolving needs of their members, CUNA wrote Tuesday. Specifically, the proposal [...]

Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union launches in Montana

Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union launches in Montana

Credit Union Awareness LLC announced today that the AI-driven, consumer consideration campaign, Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union®, is headed to Montana. The launch comes as thousands of credit union advocates and executives in [...]

The power of the ‘red rubber ball’

The power of the ‘red rubber ball’

Kevin Carroll is a firm believer in the “red rubber ball.” That’s his metaphor, stemming from a difficult childhood, for the power of play and the pursuit of his personal best. We all need [...]

World Council releases 2021 Global Regulatory Update

World Council releases 2021 Global Regulatory Update

How international standard setting bodies react to the institutional stress placed on credit unions upon the withdrawal of COVID-19 relief measures will set the tone for the regulatory issues affecting cooperative finance worldwide in 2021. [...]