Thank you for tuning in to episode 10 of The CUInsight Network, with your host, Randy Smith, Co-founder of In The CUInsight Network, we take a deeper dive with the thought leaders who support the credit union community. We discuss issues and challenges facing credit unions and identify best practices to learn and grow together.
My guest on today’s show is Cameron Madill, CEO and Co-owner of PixelSpoke. Cameron shares his journey through the credit union industry and the support he and his team offer to the community. We chat about website accessibility and things to consider when building a new digital experience for members.
We start the conversation by discussing ideas around transforming PixelSpoke’s business model to that of a cooperative, similar to credit unions. Cameron also shares the importance of digital social responsibility and how it will help credit unions improve their website marketing strategy. Cameron believes the integration of new technology has a positive impact on members and institutions.
During our chat Cameron also explains what differentiates a credit union’s impact from other financial institutions. He shares his 3 C’s of cause marketing and what makes them work so well in this industry compared to others. Later, we talk about the methods his team uses to help credit unions identify the specific needs of members through their digital platform interaction and how to interpret the data.
As we wrap up our conversation we learn what Cameron was like in high school and what his career choice would have been if he hadn’t discovered the credit union industry. In the rapid fire questions we found out the most exciting event Cameron experienced during the pandemic and who he thinks of when he hears the word “success.” Enjoy my conversation with Cameron Madill!
Connect with Cameron:
Cameron Madill, CEO and Co-owner of PixelSpoke
Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | YouTube
Show notes from this episode:
What an amazing interview with Cameron! Check out all the exceptional work his team is doing over at PixelSpoke here.
Want to hear more from Cameron? Click here.
Check out The Remarkable Credit Union podcast here!
Shout-out: NBA
Shout-out: Tom Shoes
Shout-out: Clean Energy Credit Union
Shout-out: Certified B Corporations
Shout-out: NCUA
Shout-out: MIT
Shout-out: OXO
Shout-out: Hostess Twinkie
Shout-out: Peninsula Credit Union, Jim Morell
Shout-out: People’s Trust Federal Credit Union
Program mentioned: CUDE Program
Shout-out: Gigi Hyland
Shout-out: Chad Helminak
Place mentioned: Republic of Kenya
Shout-out: Cameron’s wife & daughter
Shout-out: Roomba
Shout-out: Blake Jones
Place mentioned: Seattle, Washington
Shout-out: Cameron’s sister & brother-in-law
Shout-out: Apple iPad
Album mentioned: Kind of Blue by Miles Davis
Book mentioned: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert by John M. Gottman and Nan Silver