Velera, the nation’s premier payments credit union service organization (CUSO) announced the winning hospitals of its Miracle Momentum Awards. Introduced in October 2024 in partnership with CU4Kids, the program called on credit unions throughout the country to nominate their local Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) hospital to receive a $10,000 donation. Velera received nearly 500 nominations from over 225 credit unions for nearly 70 hospitals. Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children was among the 20 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals across the country to receive the award.
On January 2, 2025, credit union representatives joined League and Velera staff to present a $10,000 check to Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.
Mahalo to these credit unions and Hawaii Credit Union League that submitted essays nominating Kapiolani in the Velera Miracle Momentum Award:
- Aloha Pacific FCU
- Garden Island FCU
- Gather FCU
- Hawaii Central FCU
- Hawaii Community FCU
- Hawaii Credit Union League
- Hawaii FCU
- Hawaii Schools FCU
- Hawaii State FCU
- Hawaii USA FCU
- Hawaiian Electric EFCU
- Hawaiian Financial FCU
- Hickam FCU
- Hotel and Travel Industry FCU
- Maui County FCU
- Maui FCU
- McBryde FCU
- Onomea FCU
- Pearl Hawaii FCU
- Schofield FCU
- Wailuku FCU
“Every single one of you played a role in Kapiolani being selected, and this incredible gift for our keiki and families wouldn’t have been possible without your heartfelt nominations and unwavering support,” said Joseph Block, Program Director, Kapiolani Children’s Miracle Network.
Photo: Representatives of Hawaii’s credit unions join Hawaii Credit Union League and Velera staff at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children to present a $10,000 check.