The best part of “It’s a Wonderful Life” (from a credit union’s perspective)

Ever since I started working at a credit union, I’ve been surprised at how and where financial lessons turn up. When you write about finances for a living, you tend to find financial lessons in pretty much everything, from Universal monster movies to Netflix miniseries. Truth be told, I was actually hoping to come up with some financial lessons from the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

When I watched the movie this year, though, two aspects of the movie stood out to me more than the others.

What’s the best part of It’s a Wonderful Life?

George Bailey works at a Savings and Loan

We all know the story of It’s a Wonderful Life, and how George Bailey grows up to eventually run the building and loan in the town of Bedford Falls. (If you haven’t seen the movie, go ahead and watch it. We’ll wait for you.) Even if you’ve seen the movie 50 times, you might not have realized what exactly a building and loan, is.


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