The credit union that could be

Think of all the greatest parts of your credit union. You know, the things which stick out in comparison to the entire industry. If none come to mind, look to others you have recognized for their leadership. Now go back and immediately implement at least one of those innovative concepts.

I could actually end this post right here and have still provided some useful information. But I’m all about exceeding expectations, not barely meeting them.

The reason I asked about a great idea was to begin building a picture. One which goes beyond any single institution. You see, there’s a credit union which doesn’t yet exist. In the future, it may never be. But it still thrives in the hearts and minds of a lot of people. It’s the credit union that could be.

What do I mean? It is the product of every amazing member service strategy, financial solution, loan growth effort, and much more. To quote one of my favorite films, it’s the “best of the best of the best, sir!” Only, banking services, not potential alien-policing agents. They’re clearly similar.

Imagine if every hurdle to improvement at your credit union could be removed. No regulations slowing new product introductions. No board overstepping their role to dictate day-to-day activities (most are great, but I’ve run into some who just stifle all forward movement). No middle management seeking credit or blame for some effort. Just pure action of the most innovative ideas, using the latest technology, supported by a 100% all-in team.

That’s what this series will be. I want to look at a variety of areas of traditional credit union operations and imagine what the best version of that would look like.

Think of it as a case study. Of a credit union which could be.

Joe Winn

Joe Winn

What do you get when you mix auto loan programs with a desire to help others? Well, approaches that make a difference, of course. So what do you get when ... Web: Details