What Has Your Bank Done for You Lately?

by Gina Ragusa

Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates’ “Invest in America” supports community businesses with exclusive member discounts through credit unions nationwide.

When was the last time your big bank gave you special discounts at local retailers? Or went out of its way to assist you with uncovering the best deal on a new car?

Historically the view of banking was pretty simple. You trusted your local banker to not only protect your funds and provide loans, but also act as a loyal financial advisor who had your best interest in mind.

Perhaps this impression permeated American society 40 years ago but today many consumers have discovered that big banks don’t have their backs. From news of bailouts to hidden fees, consumers feel a certain level of distrust with the industry, which is why many are leaving and heading to a credit union.

Consumers crave financial guidance but also value within their banking relationship. Beyond the membership role, lower fees and better rates; credit union members are also offered additional benefits that are typically only provided to big bank customers who carry a six figure relationship.

Invest In America Nationwide Enhancement Program

Provided by the Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates (MCUL & Affiliates), Invest in America is a membership enhancement program aimed at providing stimulus to American-based businesses by offering special discounts to all participating credit unions and members.


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