10 Questions to Ask At Your Strategic Planning Session

It’s that time of year again: strategic planning season is entering its high gear. Many credit unions and banks use September and the fourth quarter to plan for next year’s objectives. Whether you use an outside consultant or your own executive team, planning sessions are critical to any credit union’s success.

This time last year, I blogged about “10 Questions to Ask At Your Strategic Planning Session.” While those were applicable in 2012 (and you can still use them this year), here are some fresh questions for 2013-2014. In fact, you can ask these questions in a pre-session survey of attendees (I do that with many of my planning clients).

(1)    The financial industry is consolidating. What are we going to do to ensure we are one of the survivors?

(2)    How are we going to remain relevant to consumers?

(3)    With Bluebird, popmoney and the digital wallet changing the financial services landscape, what is our strategy for payment systems going to be?

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