2 fun ways you can “party” with your squad during the quarantine

If you’re quarantined alone (or even if you’re not) you may be missing the human connections that you’re used to having during a normal week of your life. For some of you, that might mean you’re using FaceTime more, or perhaps using FaceTime for the first time ever. While that is an absolutely fantastic way to stay connected to close friends and family, how do you replace the joy you get from hanging out with your homies? If you’ve missed chillin’ with your peeps, here are a couple of awesome ways you can still “party” even while you’re stuck at home…

Houseparty: Being able to video chat with a handful of your friends and play trivia and party games at the same time would be pretty awesome, wouldn’t it? Welp. You guessed it. Houseparty is “all the rage” with Gen Z. This app announces that you’re “in the house” when you open it up, and at that point, any of your friends can just jump right into a video chat with you. If you see your buddies Lloyd and Harry are in a chat, you can also just jump right in with them. It’s kinda like you’re walking by their house and notice they are having a party. It’s a very well-named app. You can also play all sorts of trivia games as well as Ellen’s “Heads Up” game on screen as you hang out. I’ve only been playing around with it for one day, but it’s definitely a good time.

Netflix PartySo if you hear the term “Netflix Party”, you probably envision a bunch of friends hanging out and watching Netflix. That totally makes sense. There’s a Chrome extension available with the same name. This extension allows multiple Netflix users to synchronize their playback and provides a group chat window so everyone can communicate in real time, effectively turning your night at home into a “Netflix Party.” Pretty cool, huh? If you’ve got Google Chrome and a Netflix account, all you have to do is download the extension and you’re ready to party.

Stay social and stay safe!

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details