3 inexpensive ways to get your kids out of the house this summer

After being stuck with your kids for the better part of the last 15 months, you’re probably ready for them to be somewhere else (even if you have to go with them). Here are three destinations you can leave take your kids for some fairly cheap fun away from the house…

A museum: Growing up, the word “museum” always seemed dull. But the museums they have for kids these days are far from boring. If your town doesn’t currently have one, here are some great options that may be within driving distance. Just make sure you check to see if they’re open before you load up the car for a road trip.

A park: Every town has a public park or two, and most of them have things to do. Also, maybe they’ll be worn out after a few hours, so that’s a plus. There are also National Parks all over the country that can be educational and provide some exercise as well.

A pool: If your neighborhood doesn’t have a pool, I’d bet be willing to bet you have a friend or relative that lives in one that does. Taking the kids swimming is a great way to let them wear themselves out while you can sit, soak up some sun, and relax.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details