3 lessons trick-or-treaters can teach us about member satisfaction

by. Emily Maxie

October is one of my favorite months. I unpack my scarves and dust off the Halloween decorations. And who doesn’t love seeing adorable little kids dressed up to go trick-or-treating?

But you might not know that there are lessons about member satisfaction that we can learn from Halloween. If you’re looking to be the most popular house on the block, you have to offer those cute little kids something they want.

Hello? Is Anybody Home?

If you’re looking to attract trick-or-treaters, you probably make your house look as inviting as possible. You make sure the lights are on, and you might even put up a few decorations along the walkway. After all, a dark house isn’t just spooky, but kids won’t know whether you’re home to give out candy. An occasional trick-or-treater might get up the nerve to run up to knock on your door, but most of the dark houses are overlooked.

With member satisfaction, it’s important that your members know you’re open for business and that you’re there to help them. For credit union managers, that doesn’t just mean making your branches look welcoming, but it also applies to your online presence. It’s important to monitor your social media outlets and your website to make sure you’re accessible to members no matter where they’re looking for you.

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