3 rules your brand should always follow

You can destroy your brand in an instant if you’re not careful. Here are three rules to follow if you want to stay brand positive…

Share: Marketing is everywhere we look. Use your social channels to create sharable content about real people that your members can send to their followers. Social media is an amazing opportunity for marketing that you don’t want to miss out on. People spend a lot of time on social channels and you should have a stable presence there.

Focus: Treating your members right builds loyalty. If you want members to keep coming back, give them a reason to. They are your most important asset, and should be treated as such. Strive every day to show your members that they are your main focus.

Deliver: Your ads and marketing make promises, but if you want loyal members, you have to deliver. When you consistently come through on your promises, your members will remember that and stick around for the long haul.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details