3 tips for tax day 2022

It’s April 15! A day of stress for some and just another day for others. Here are three tips for Tax Day 2022…

It’s actually not today: April 15 is the traditional tax day, but this year you actually have until Monday, the 18th. So if you’re panicking about filing by the end of the day, rest easy, you have all weekend to get it done. If you need an extension and haven’t filed one yet, here are some resources to help you out.

Don’t overlook deductions: Just because you waited until the last several thousand minutes to file your taxes, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get the maximum refund possible. A standard deduction is only going to get you so much, so be sure to check and see if there are any deductions you could qualify for that you wouldn’t normally think of. Here are some thoughts on that from turbotax.

Be wise with your refund: If you finish your taxes and have a balance to pay, this tip isn’t for you. If you’re getting a refund, then you should use it to make wise choices. Try beefing up your emergency fund, adding it to your retirement account, or make an investment in your home. For more options on how to wisely use your refund, here are some ideas from Kiplinger.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details