3 tips to stay safe when selling things online

Any time you’re trying to make a few extra bucks, selling a few things can be a great way to do it. During the holidays, it can be especially tempting to try and throw a few extra bucks together. If you’re planning on listing something for sale online, here are a few tips to make sure the transaction is a safe one.

Meet up in a public place: If a criminal wants to try and take advantage of you, letting them know where you live and inviting them there is probably a bad idea. Only meet in a public place, preferably somewhere with cameras. A police station is a great place to meet.Law enforcement encourages it, and the simple suggestion will more than likely deter anyone with bad intentions.

Read your emails: If you get an email from PayPalconfirming that your payment has been received, make sure you open it up and give it a look. You don’t want to hand over something you’ve “sold” only to find out that it was fraud.

Watch out for overpayment: This popular scamcan be easy to fall for if you’re a trusting person, but also easy to spot if you skeptical of people you don’t know. You may be given a money order or credit card payment for more than the agreed upon price. Then, after paying back the difference, you find out the money order was fake or the credit card was stolen. Now you’ve lost goods and cash.

Selling things online can be a great way to make a few extra dollars, just make sure you’re always taking precautions when dealing with someone you don’t know.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details