3 ways to cut back your micromanaging

Thinking about Independence Day makes me consider freedom. When it comes to your office, do your employees feel free? Are they able to make their own decisions when it comes to the tasks that they’re given? If you’re a micromanager, they may not feel very free. If you want your employees to grow into leaders, you’ll need to loosen the reins a little. Here are three ways you can cut back on micromanaging…

Delegate and forget it: As a manager, you need to let go of recurring tasks. Use these tasks as a way to help your employees grow and develop their skills. If you can’t let go of some tasks, there’s a good chance you’ll prevent your employees from growing and that’ll probably destroy their mojo.

Take small steps: Part of the reason you micromanage may have something to do with trust. You have to be able to trust your team if you want them to excel. If you’re finding it hard to let go, start with something small. Once that task is mastered without you having your hand on it, you’ll start to trust your team. Over time you’ll be able to slowly let go and let your team take control of their day to day tasks.

Have a conversation: Let your team know that you want to put them behind the steering wheel. If you feel you need to be looped in on certain things, make that clear. Rely on accountability and make sure it’s a two-way street. Keep them accountable about keeping you informed and have them keep you accountable about letting go.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details