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3 ways to cut college costs


Fall semester is rapidly approaching, and next generation of students hitting college campuses is taking more responsibility when it comes to paying for their education.

According to an Allianz Tuition Insurance College Confidence Index survey, this year college students are saving an average of $7,801. That represents a 17% increase from $6,678 average saved in 2017.

If the trend continues, students will save about $9,127 in 2019.

The poll found students were motivated to save for college because they were concerned an unexpected change in their parents’ financial position could interrupt their education.

If you’re headed to college this fall and don’t have thousands of dollars tucked away, here are three tips to cut costs.

Take college classes in high school: Taking introductory classes early could reduce the time you’ll spend in college, and therefore require you to pay less tuition to get your degree. But do your research first. Find out if your high school offers dual-credit courses, and if those credits are transferrable to the university you want to attend. You can also look into online courses, which may cost less and will transfer to your college.

Make the most of student discounts: There are many companies and websites willing to give students a break. With Amazon Student, you pay half the regular cost for Prime membership. Adobe Suite is available for the bargain rate of just $20 a month. Looking for student travel discounts on flights or hotels? Check out sites like, or for exclusive student deals. Another site to look into for general travel discounts is

Don’t give up on scholarships after high school: Experts say to keep the search going throughout your college years, especially with local universities and businesses. There are scholarships available for everything imaginable, including gaming and game design. Yes, that means video games. If you’re interested in learning more, check out the National Association of College Esports at In addition, apps like Scholly or websites like can help you identify the best available scholarship matches.