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3 ways to save this summer

Adding Oil To A Car

We all tend to hit the breaks on doing stuff in the winter (especially this winter), we use the spring to get going a little bit, and by the time the summer hits, we’re ready to go! As COVID moves into our rearview, we're getting busier and we’re also spending more money, so here are three ways you can save a little cash this summer…

Pass on the gym: When it’s cold, it’s nice to have a warm place to get your workout on. But since the weather has improved, it’s a great time to ditch the gym and make use of the great outdoors. Go for a run or jump on your bike. I realize it's already super hot outside, but working up a sweat is good for you.

Have a garage/yard sale: The summertime is a great time to have a garage sale and get rid of some of the clutter you’ve amassed throughout your life. Also, your neighbors can drop by and we could all use a little togetherness about now. You can sell the toys and games your kids don’t play with anymore and get rid of all the clothes your crew has outgrown. Having less stuff in the house feels great and you can use the profit to take the family to dinner.

Work on your whip: For anyone older than me, whip is a slang term for a car.If you wash your car in the fall or winter, you're probably taking it through the car wash. This summer, do the washing yourself and take the opportunity to check out your car and do some preventative maintenance.Changing your oilisn’t too hard, and you can easily rotate your tires, which will give you the chance to check them for wear.

John Pettit

John Pettit