4 easy ways to measure an employee’s performance

Unless an employee’s job is to sweep the floors, it can sometimes be tough to immediately gauge their performance. If you’ve been in this situation before, here are four things you can look for when measuring an employee’s performance.

Quality: Take a good look at your employee’s work. Are there any obvious red flags? Are they delivering a finished product that is what you expected? If they’re consistently delivering what’s asked of them, that’s something to be proud of.

Execution: A well done project is worthless if it’s not done on time. How is the employee prioritizing their tasks? Are they finishing the right jobs in the right order? If a good employee is having trouble sorting out tasks, that may be easily remedied with a short conversation.

Improvement: Nobody is perfect. When evaluating, don’t seek perfection but look to see that employees are striving towards it. Reward those employees that are improving every day (or week, month, year, etc…). Your best employees will be those that make the effort to constantly improve themselves and become better at what they do

Attitude: Some employees may do decent work, but might also have issues in the workplace that can be detrimental to the team mojo. When meeting with supervisors, find out if there are any “bad seeds,” and ask employees if there’s anything in the workplace that bothers them. If someone is bringing the team down, it may be best to remove them.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details