4. An update on the Awareness Initiative . . . How do you plan on opening America’s eyes to credit unions?
CUs at @CUNA GAC get update in Open Your Eyes campaign and are told the challenge comes down to this: How to make more people choose credit unions more often for more financial needs. Campaign has now rolled out in 3 states following $2M in consumer research. #CUNAGAC pic.twitter.com/qVkecB6taN
— Frank J. Diekmann (@FrankCUToday) March 12, 2019
3. Newly appointed @CUNA board chair Brett Martinez makes his first appearance on the #CUNAGAC stage on Tuesday afternoon!
The man of the hour! Introducing newly elected @CUNA board chairman and @RedwoodCU President/CEO Brett Martinez! #CUNAGAC pic.twitter.com/1zLTgKQqeV
— CUNA (@CUNA) March 12, 2019
2. "There is magic in this room. It is up to you to share that with the world." Malcolm Gladwell with a fantastic keynote on the power of storytelling…
Malcolm @Gladwell onstage at #CUNAGAC pic.twitter.com/EwtfTPmyYu
— John Pettit (@John_CUInsight) March 12, 2019
1. Vice President Mike Pence thanks credit unions for giving members a chance to live the American dream and encourages them to keep doing good in cities large and small…
Thank you to @VP Mike Pence! @CUNA #CUNAGAC pic.twitter.com/Xtzc2jsD1H
— Jenna Schwerdtle (@Jenna_CUInsight) March 12, 2019