6 ways financial advisors can gain leads through social media

by: Emily Lange Rodecker

As part of a 3-part series, we’ll be exploring the various ways financial advisors can gain leads through social media and work to expand their businesses and gain new customers. First up? LinkedIn – the professional social network.

Your presence on LinkedIn is all about expertise – showing you know your stuff and that you’re the person for the job. How can you exhibit this? Well, you have to post. You have to brag (a little). And you have to know what your audience needs so you can tout your talents appropriately.

There are several ways to use LinkedIn to inform your audience of your expertise as a financial advisor and increase your leads. We’ll share a few of our favorite tips and tricks, from posting methods to LinkedIn tools, that will help you on your way to new business!

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups as a shared space for professionals to share content, ask each other questions, find answers, and establish themselves as industry experts. Groups are a great place to stay up-to-date on the latest industry news – you can glean new insights from your peers, and share your own. LinkedIn’s “search” feature can help you find groups for almost any topic, industry, and interest. Our rule of thumb? Don’t join too many – you don’t want to spread yourself too thin! Choose a varied selection so you can reach multiple audiences.

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