A positive message worth going viral!

Help inspire AUTHENTIC, HIGH-ENERGY CONVERSATION on why we love our credit unions on July 30, 2021.

Too often, the unique value credit unions bring to their members and communities is the financial industry’s best kept secret. At the Illinois Credit Union League (ICUL), we believe the CU Difference is worth sharing and should be promoted at every opportunity. On July 30, 2021, we’re calling for credit unions and fellow leagues to lead a digital ‘wave’ of authentic, high-energy conversation across social media platforms. The purpose is to create a synchronized, collaborative effort showcasing the amazing ways credit unions serve their members and communities every day. We need everyone in our industry to call upon their own teams, members, and families to share what’s best about their CU experience using the common hashtag: #ilovemycreditunion.


This social media blitz is a big idea with the potential to leave a giant-sized digital footprint for the credit union movement. The amount of participation on July 30th will determine its ultimate success. Fortunately, joining is easy! The ICUL team has created a resource hub with everything needed to plan for and engage members in this exciting, nationwide collaboration. Credit unions and leagues are welcome to personalize these materials with their own branding, design their own specialized content, and add those unique touches that will speak to their membership.


We already have several leagues and fellow collaborators signed up to start this digital ‘wave’ on July 30th. I’d like to give a shout out here to our early joiners including Alaska Credit Union League, California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, Cooperative Credit Union Association, CrossState CU Association, Dakota Credit Union Association, Hawaii Credit Union League, Kentucky Credit Union League, Minnesota CU Network, Montana CU Network, New York Credit Union Association along with our collaborators at the American Association of Credit Union Leagues, CUNA, and CU Awareness. I’m excited to see how the “cooperation among cooperatives” we see in the support from our CUNA/League System colleagues will amplify our ‘wave’ on July 30.  

To make the biggest impact, we all must post on the same day, Friday, July 30, 2021, with the same hashtag: #ilovemycreditunion. This is a turnkey project, so I encourage all credit unions and leagues to sign up and make the most of it! For questions about how to participate, contact ilovemycreditunion@icul.com.

Tom Kane

Tom Kane

Tom Kane has been President/CEO of the Illinois Credit Union System since 2015. Since joining the Illinois Credit Union League and Envisant in 2003, Tom has held several key ... Web: https://www.icul.com Details