A Valuable Account Benefit You Never Considered

by. Joe Swatek

Years ago, when I opened my current checking account, the financial institution gave me something I’ve come to appreciate. It wasn’t a cup of coffee while I waited for the account manager. Not a still-warm chocolate chip cookie I sometimes see in the lobby. It wasn’t a premium gift or cash bonus.

It was a simple 2 x 3.5-inch card with the routing number and my account number printed on it.

So often that little card has come in handy.

For example, I use it every time I file my federal and state tax forms so the refunds go electronically to my checking account.

I remember when I needed the routing number for past accounts. Once, I went to a branch and the teller hauled out a thick three-ring binder and leafed through until she found the right page. Another time, a teller had no idea what I wanted.

When I’ve had occasions where I’ve been asked for the routing number and I’ve handed the person that little card, the reaction is usually a surprised, “Huh…that’s convenient.”

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