Addressing credit union’s mega-challenges with NCUA’s new board member Rick Metsger


by. Mike Lawson

What do you get when you cross a high school teacher with a life insurance salesman, a sports broadcaster, and a state senator? Well, you get a well-rounded professional who has seen the real world at the ground level — and that would be Rick Metsger, NCUA’s newest Board Member. It’s that diverse career path Rick has experienced that makes him such a well-rounded human being and ideal addition to today’s NCUA Board. I could’ve spoken all day with Rick about his previous professions — especially his sports broadcasting career, but we had to proceed with pressing credit union issues and his positions on each.

We also discussed his short- and long-term goals, how the NCUA can better serve credit unions, and how credit unions can continue to succeed with the constant challenges they face today: tax status, regulation relief, MBL, etc. We get plenty the candid responses from Rick and much more. A real pleasure having him on the show and look forward to his return. Enjoy!


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