The latest from Andy Janning

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

12 months. Over $7,000. 250%.

For over a year, a small group of credit unions have been investigating various debt relief strategies to help members suffering through the financial crisis of cancer. A member at ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

Good grief

Grief gets a bad rap. It’s associated almost exclusively with sad and painful events, which is why people tend to avoid dealing with or discussing it. But over the ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

Chess with the old man

“You really should play more chess.” My dad said this to me a lot when I was a kid, every time he saw me playing endless games of Pac-Man on ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

Pause cancer debt

Credit unions should pause all monthly loan payments, interest accrual, and late charges for a minimum of 12 months for every member in treatment for cancer. By doing so, we ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

End terminal debt

This is the most important CUInsight article I’ve ever written. In May, I launched End Terminal Debt, a project to convince every bank, credit union, credit card company, and ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

Faces in the crowd

I’ve served the National Credit Union Foundation at The Foundation Dinner, its signature fundraising event during CUNA’s Governmental Affairs Conference where our industry’s finest are honored during ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

Haikus for you

I’ve been fighting writer’s block for the last few weeks. It sucks. The End. I almost submitted those three sentences as my entire Community article for this quarter. ...

- by Andy Janning, Man On Fire, Inc.

2 good dogs

My wife Karla has been in treatment for breast cancer and a blood clot in her heart for over 2 years. Although the good days outnumber the bad days now, ...