The latest from John Pettit

- by John Pettit,

3 ways to feel less overwhelmed

We all feel overwhelmed by life from time to time. If you find yourself in this situation, here are three things you can do to calm yourself and get back ...

- by John Pettit,

Improving work relationships

It can be difficult to keep up relationships at the office. In this world of remote work and social distancing, it can get even harder. If you’d like to ...

- by John Pettit,

3 reasons to take a mental health day

When summer rolls around, you’re probably subconsciously counting down the days until you go on vacation. While vacations are awesome, your body needs a mental health day or two ...

- by John Pettit,

3 tips to reach your career goals

When it comes to career goals, it’s not always an easy path to get to where we want to go. You’re busy and there are a million responsibilities ...