The latest from Karen Postma

- by Karen Postma, Velera

AI: A new fraud frontier

While fraudsters and their schemes are far from new, the fraud market reached an unprecedented milestone in 2023. According to data from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 2.6 million ...

- by Karen Postma, Velera

Evaluating your fraud toolkit

Every year, the start of a new year reinvigorates consumers around the world to set resolutions to get organized, implement healthy habits and establish ways to enhance their lives. While ...

- by Karen Postma, TMG

Fraud prevention tips to fall back on

Real or not real? For credit unions facing fallback transactions, correctly answering this question could mean the difference between allowing legitimate or fraudulent transactions through. Fallback transactions occur when a ...

- by Karen Postma, TMG

Members will exchange data for personalization

It’s no secret consumers are increasingly seeking out personalization. They demand experiences, products and promotional offers specifically tailored to their behaviors and preferences. For credit unions, the key lies ...

- by Karen Postma, TMG

Include members in your cyber security plans

Cybercriminals are becoming more adept at profitable intrusions with each passing day. As “The Internet of Things” creates a more connected world, savvy crooks are finding plenty of cracked doorways ...