Bringing the romance back to your emails

Sure, getting an email from your bank or credit union isn’t the same as getting a bouquet of roses or a fancy steak dinner. But emailing your subscribers is more than just “sending an email” – it should be part of building and maintaining a relationship.

It takes so little to make subscribers feel special. What are some steps you can take today to “show the love”?

1. Start Personalizing

Throwing in the first name or preferred name of your recipient makes a big difference in your open rates. Making the reader feel like he or she is the only one the email was meant for makes them feel special and encourages them to read thoroughly and take action.

2. Respect Boundaries

Who wants an email from their financial institution every day of the week? Make sure you’re sending on a regular time frame that’s not too intrusive or hard to manage. That way, your readers will be less likely to think of your emails as a chore and more likely to see them as a special benefit.

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