Compliance: New CUNA, league compliance communities

Support and information on state and federal regulations is available in one central hub with the launch of CUNA and league compliance communities. The new communities, an extension of CUNA’s Compliance Community, are designed to provide an online hub for compliance professionals to connect, work together, share resources and become better informed about state-level credit union regulations.

“The community is a great resource for our credit unions.  They are able to network with their compliance peers and get answers to state regulatory and operational questions,” said Julie Kappenman, director of association compliance services, Mountain West Credit Union Association. “It is also a great way to update our credit unions with what is happening in our league and within states. The community is easy to use and CUNA staff has been great to work with and very responsive.”

The MWCUA, along with the Northwest Credit Union Association and Credit Union Association of the Dakotas joined CUNA to release the new CUNA and league Compliance Communities.


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