Congress passes funding, NFIP extension, goes home with work undone

Congress managed to keep much of the federal government and the National Flood Insurance Program funded before leaving for the campaign trail last week but punted on many major issues—either preferring to consider them in a lame duck session or not at all.

The House and Senate passed a Continuing Resolution to keep the lights on in most federal agencies until Dec. 16. And they attached a short-term extension of the flood insurance program that expires on that date.

Credit Union Board Meetings

The House did pass legislation that would allow well-managed federal credit unions to meet six times a year rather than every month. New credit unions and those with a CAMELS score of four or five would still be required to meet monthly.

The House passed that bill, H.R. 6889, as part of a combined vote on several measures. The vote was 296–127 and was made under suspension of the House rules, which required a two-thirds vote by members present.


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