Credit union modernization: Combining technology and people

In service industries, a provider keeps tabs on their existing and target clients. Why? To maintain a line of sight into their client’s evolving needs and to serve them accordingly. Credit unions are service providers with a rich history of targeting growth to meet the evolving needs of their members.

In this article, we will explore how to successfully integrate technology into a credit union, optimizing for the member journey.

The member journey

Admittedly, I know very little about hockey. However, I have learned one key principle about the sport: the best hockey players skate to where the puck is going, not where it is. You may know as little as I do about hockey, but in the world of finance—where I do have some experience—the “puck” is heading swiftly to digital banking (and beyond). It’s our job to help clients strategically adopt practices that will help them metaphorically skate to the puck.

How do we do that?


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