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Credit Union Security Threats Aren’t Subtle

Debbie Russo, Marketing Manager, SolarWindsby: Debbie Russo, Marketing Manager, SolarWinds

I was reading an article last week about the National Credit Union Youth Week (April 22-28, 2012). The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) offers marketing programs to all the credit unions (CU) around the country to help introduce all ages of children to starting a savings account for their future. Learning to be responsible and getting young people introduced to saving for their first car, college or even their first home. What a great concept!

But, how can CU’s ensure the young “super savers” private information is protected in this cyber world as Security Threats Aren’t Subtle!

Credit Unions are becoming more popular in these hard economic times as they are not-for-profit financial cooperatives and exist to serve members, not to make a profit, unlike most other financial institutions. CU earnings are returned to members in the form of lower loan rates, higher interest on deposits, and lower fees, but how do they keep all our private information secure on their networks in an affordable way and comply to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) rules and regulations; which calls for credit unions to proactively identify internal and external threats that could result in any threat to members private information.

Many CUs have realized they need to have visibility into their network log activity or it leaves them vulnerable to network-based internal and external threats and susceptible to NCUA penalties. A log analyzer isn’t enough, but a real-time, log and event correlation with proactive responses security information event management (SIEM) system protects networks before, during, and after an attack. A SIEM solution should be designed to complement and extend small credit union IT departments, eliminating the need for a team of analysts to manage it and node-based pricing fits right into tight IT CU budgets.

Security Threats Aren’t Subtle! Your SIEM solution shouldn’t be either! Don’t wait until your network is under attack; protect your IT environment against attacks in real time.

If you’re interested in getting more information, check out SolarWinds Log & Event Manager (LEM)

Post your thoughts regarding your challenges of log & event compliance and security concerns. I’d love to hear from you.

Debbie Russo is SolarWinds’ Product Marketing Manager. Debbie has over 10 years of experience in developing and implementing successful direct and indirect marketing strategies for high-tech companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100 organizations.

Debbie Russo

Debbie Russo
