Diversity Insight: Seeing each employee—and home office—as unique

The value of CO-OP Financial Services’ new DE&I Council underscored by the pandemic

Bringing diverse talent and perspectives together drives innovation. Consider research published in Human Resources Today showing that 77% of respondents “believed that organizations benefit from hearing different points of view from their employees, and the diverse points of view can lead to better products and services for customers.” A recent Boston Consulting Group survey reveals that companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenue.

With such data in mind, CO-OP Financial Services formed its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council in February. The Council’s mission statement and its vision for CO-OP is to “understand, attract and engage a diverse workforce where every employee can live up to their value; ensuring that our employee base reflects the consumers we serve. The result of this effort is an inclusive environment where diverse talent thrives.”

None of us anticipated back in February that by March we’d be in the middle of a pandemic nor that a tragic event in May in Minneapolis would create a worldwide reaction. While more and more organizations are embracing diversity of thought in times of more normal business, our Council has brought focused perspective on diversity, equality and inclusion to CO-OP’s pandemic response. Specifically, we will support our organization’s desire to recognize and respond to employees’ individual needs, gifts and aspirations.


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