Do this to improve loan-app completions and get the most from your credit union marketing

With warmer weather on the horizon, many of us are thinking of ways to do a thorough spring cleaning. Time to throw out, donate or sell all the items you no longer need or forgot you had. From those jeans you’ll never wear or the appliance you bought because it looked great in the ad but never used. Don’t forget to throw out those antiquated loan application questions.

Wait…what? Seriously, they can sabotage your credit union marketing efforts.

Yes, much like the gifted fruit cake in the back of the fridge or the bell-bottom jeans boxed up in the attic, your loan application may just have collected a few cobwebs. In fact, odds are the application doesn’t even “fit” anymore.

Clear out those outdated, ill-fitting loan questions. When a consumer visits your site or branch, your first impression may very well be your loan application. For many members, this can be a daunting task with numerous pages, voluminous questions and a huge time commitment. Even worse, you already have much of the information for existing members, so why ask again?


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