Embracing the member experience amidst the coronavirus pandemic

Six things credit unions can do to ensure members will love them now and into the future.

In light of the recent global pandemic, it is understandable to have anxiety about the future path of credit unions and the general economy. However, even in these uncertain, isolating times, we must forge on and virtually embrace our members.

Credit union members are looking for financial stability even while the world around them is unpredictable. So it follows that credit unions that provide genuine compassion and relevant financial solutions through a personalized customer experience will stand out in a sea of big banks and fintechs. If you use member data to help you cater to their specific needs, you won’t be alone. In 2020, according to Gartner, more than 40% of data analytics projects will relate to customer experience.

Here are six things credit unions can do to improve today’s member experience and sustain growth in 2020 and beyond.

  1. Assess and Address Key Touchpoints

Although it is important to provide members with strong phone and branch support, it’s not enough. Members are seeking technology, speed and convenience that they have grown to expect in their everyday lives. In the credit union world, this is most visible in how well account opening, access to money, personalized experience, and card or checking rewards are provided.


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