Emotional and social intelligence – key ingredients for achieving goals
There’s no question that it takes specific knowledge and functional expertise to perform successfully in business and climb the professional ladder. But as Daniel Goleman detailed in his groundbreaking book, Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ, research shows that up to 90% of performance effectiveness is due to emotional savvy rather than technical knowledge.
The challenge is that people respond at an emotional level much more quickly than they do intellectually. As a result, feelings often drive choices and decisions—and may bypass logic. Particularly when there is a conflict with the person’s beliefs and values, their behaviors are more likely to be ruled by emotions and feelings.
How often have you tried something new, and despite your best efforts, struggled? Many times the problem has its roots in Emotional Intelligence: A person’s belief boundaries will impact what they feel is possible—and can either help or hinder their progress. Managers who develop their own Emotional and Social Intelligence have the potential to become great coaches because they can make the critical connections with their employees to expand their belief boundaries and reach higher levels of performance.
A coach’s ability to develop employee performance begins with expanding the employee’s belief boundaries. Managers who understand employee beliefs and values, and who are able to connect on an emotional level, can more positively impact an employee’s feelings about success, their actions and behaviors, and hence their overall abilities and performance.
Expanding an individual’s belief boundaries starts with a coach’s own belief boundaries—their ability to shift their mindsets during interactions with their employees, and in particular as they prepare for coaching sessions. Below are some examples of a shifting mindset about someone’s beliefs and abilities.
Emotional Intelligence The Secret Sauce of Great Leaders and Coaches
To maximize the organizational benefits of Emotional and Social Intelligence, managers need to cultivate habits that build their employees’ self-confidence and positive outlook toward achieving superior performance.