Environmental sustainability rising to the top of branch and workplace conversations

Environmental sustainability is once again returning to the top-of-mind for credit unions, and for good reason. A recent study by McKinsey showed that brands investing in ESG (environmental, sustainability, and governance) efforts saw 40% higher growth than those that don’t.

So what has changed over the years, and is it worth it to pursue LEED and other environmental certifications?

Well for one, efforts by organizations like HAPO Community Credit UnionVerity Credit Union, and Oregon State Credit Union to pursue LEED certification has put pressure on supply chains to become greener and helped develop the skills and experience of design and construction professionals worldwide.

Where LEED Certification was once a challenge to achieve, in part due to difficulty sourcing sustainable materials and furniture as well as developing processes to build more sustainably, the green supply chain and project management processes have matured.


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