Exercise to be a better leader

by: Dan Berger

Exercise is a word you hear often this time of year, and it’s usually surrounded by words of regret. For example, “I wish I had made it to the gym more this year,” or “I definitely didn’t exercise as much as I would have liked the past few months.”

While everyone feels great after a good workout, we sometimes let the busyness of life keep us at the office. As a result, we miss getting to the gym or going outside. But what if we decided exercise could make us better leaders?

Shelley DuBois, in FORTUNE, says exercise shows a person’s true colors. “Anyone can seem collected in an air-conditioned office, but who still behaves like a team player when they’re sweaty and hopped up on lactic acid? Those people might also have some of the skills to haul everyone through the next corporate crisis with some class,” she writes.

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