Flashback: Kirsi Hall

Over the last four years of the CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec challenge, we’ve had the opportunity to meet and celebrate many fantastic young leaders. Some have stayed in the credit union system, some have moved on but still proudly carry the credit union experience with them. Let’s meet one of them.

Kirsi Hall, 2010 Winner

At the time of the competition, Kirsi was the Vice President, Organizational Development with Verity Credit Union ($380M) in Seattle, Washington.

Where are you now?

I have my own consulting firm, Kirsi Consultancy in Seattle. I am the Founder and Chief Catalyst. I also completed my MBA and Law degrees and passed the bar this past July.

How did the competition help you in your career?

More than any other training, event, conference, or experience, the competition encouraged me to explore new possibilities by taking on a project I was passionate about. I didn’t know it at the time, but that project was the genesis of the work I continue to this day.

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